An elegant addition to your wedding day this unique flower arrangement of red roses, white lilium and red hypericum, mixed with gypsophila flowers, mini green chrysanthemums and aralia leaves makes your place looking at its best and ready to welcome your guests!
This arrangement contains the following flowers:
- Red roses
- White lilium
- Red hypericum
- Gypsophila
- Green mini chrysanthemums
- Aralia leaves
Container used for picturing purposes only.
Ordered the flowers to be delivered one day prior to my wedding. When I opened the boxes I saw the most magnificent flowers there could be. Thanks for the prompt service and the spectacular flowers.
Worth every single pound. Their arrangements are the best!
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We grow our flowers with love and care so they become your favorite.
We deliver smiles and great moments, and we do it on time.
Our wide floral range is suitable for every pocket.
Providing quality products and services continues to be our main goal and value.
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